5 Reasons Why You Need A Roof Restoration

5 Reasons Why You Need A Roof Restoration

There comes a time in a homeowner’s life when they’ll need to conduct a roof restoration.

Think of your roof like a set of teeth. No matter how good your teeth are, or how diligently you brush and floss, or how few sweets you eat, you still need a visit to the dentist once in a while.

Your roof is the same. You may have a structured roof cleaning routine and a mild climate without too much sun or rain, but you’ll still need to do a roof restoration at one point or another. Here are 5 top reasons why you need a roof restoration:

1) It’s about that time

Every 10 or 15 years, it’s advised to get a roof restoration. It’s a preventative measure that helps combat rusting metal sheets, chalky roof tiles and general deterioration of your roof. The Australian climate isn’t the easiest for your roof to deal with; there’s hot summer sun, coastal wind and rain, all of which can take a toll on your roof eventually. Restoring your roof gives it extra protection from the elements.

2) Increase home value

Want to increase the curb appeal of your home? A roof restoration could be the right move. No matter whether you’re selling your home in 3 months or 3 years, restoring your roof often adds more value to your home than the price of the restoration itself. It’s a common way for owners to increase home value before selling.

3) Your roof needs a couple of repairs

If your roof needs a few repairs already, then you may as well go the whole way and restore it entirely. Your roof may have a few cracked tiles, ridge capping that needs repointing or leaks that need fixing. While these repairs may cost you several hundred dollars, it won’t cost too much more to go further and restore it.

4) Improve the look of your home

If you’re not looking to sell and your current home is actually your forever home, why not invest in something you truly care about? A roof restoration gives your entire home a makeover – after all, it’s one of the first things you see when you pull into the driveway!

5) Protect the rest of your home

And, finally, the most important reason: protecting the rest of your home. A leak in your roof may seem small, but can cause extreme damage to your ceiling, walls and flooring if left long enough. Roof restorations prevent leaks and defend your home against the elements.

Need a top quality roof restoration at an affordable price? Stywill Texture Coating have been Sydney’s best team in roof restorations since 1989. They’ve since honed their craft in advanced texture coating techniques like installing highway noise barriers and commercial anti-graffiti coating, so they’re more than experienced and qualified to restore your roof. Grab a quote from STC and say hello to a better roof today.


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