Can a Roof Be Repaired Instead of Replaced?

Can a Roof Be Repaired Instead of Replaced?

Roofs are like the guardian angels of your home. Think about it: they’re constantly above your house, making sure it’s OK and protecting it from evil spirits – i.e. rain and wind. So, when your guardian angel needs a little TLC, it’s important that it gets done. But the question is: to repair or to replace? Let’s delve a little deeper.

Can a roof be repaired?

If your roof needs attention, don’t despair – it doesn’t mean you need to go forking out tens of thousands for a roof replacement. All it might mean is that your roof needs restoration. So, what’s involved in a restoration? Good question!

Roof restorations

A roof restoration is a form of repair, in which your roof is fully restored to its original state. This includes a thorough high-pressure clean, replacing any damaged roof tiles, repointing the ridge capping, replacing the gutters, respraying the roof and anything else that your roof may need to once again look a million bucks.

When to repair the roof instead of replacing it

In many instances, your roof won’t need an entire replacement – it’ll simply need a good restoration. Let’s say you’ve got a bit of mould and mildew growing on your roof, there are a few bung roof tiles that need replacing and it could do with a new coat of paint. There’s no need for you to ‘throw out’ your old roof! Repairing it will make it look and function just as good as new.

When to replace your roof

There are, of course, instances when you’ll need a roof replacement. Your roof may be incredibly old and the tiles may be super brittle, ruling out the possibility of a roof restoration. In fact, they may be so brittle that even a high-pressure clean could crack them! That situation is less than ideal and it may be time for a roof replacement. Simply talk to an expert in roof restorations and they’ll be able to assess your roof for you.

The age of your roof will play a big part in determining whether it’s suitable for a restoration. Concrete tiles have a lifespan of about 50 years if well looked after. Clay tiles have a life expectancy of roughly 50-100 years and slate tiles have a lifespan of about 100 years if cared for correctly.

Have you stopped stressing about the question of whether to repair or replace your roof yet? You should! When you get in touch with the experts at Stywill Texture Coating, you’ll feel much more at ease. They’ve been Sydney’s texture coating specialists for over 30 years, having conducted countless roof restorations and larger projects like noise barrier painting and other civil construction jobs. They’ll inspect your roof and tell you exactly where to go from there. Grab a quote from Stywill Texture Coating for an affordable and quality job today.


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