Can a Roof Restoration Be Done If I Have Solar Panels?

Can a Roof Restoration Be Done If I Have Solar Panels?

Getting solar panels, or buying a home with them, was the best idea you ever had. They’re saving you thousands of dollars and they’re doing something great for the environment too. But a thought has just come to your mind: what if I need to do a roof restoration? Is this still possible, or am I doomed with a shabby looking roof forever? 

The answer is no: you’re not doomed to a shabby or dilapidated roof forever. And yes, you can still have a roof restoration performed. There are some details you should know about, however, so let’s take a closer look.

Getting a roof restoration done before solar installation

It’s ideal to have a roof restoration done before you install solar panels on your roof. This way, your roof is in great shape before the solar panels go on. It’ll also save you the hassle of having to remove the solar panels if you were to conduct a roof restoration post-installation. Performing a roof restoration before your solar panels are installed is definitely the most cost-effective and hassle-free method, so if you haven’t yet installed your panels, you may want to talk to the team at Stywill Texture Coating.

Getting a roof restoration after solar installation

While it’s a bit trickier to perform a roof restoration once your solar panels are installed, it’s still possible. Don’t despair if you already have solar panels on your roof and you’re looking to get a roof restoration. It won’t cost a million bucks more and it won’t delay the process by weeks on end.

Restoring a roof that has solar panels is actually quite simple. First, your roof professionals will remove the solar panels from the roof. Then, they’ll set to work cleaning the roof and inspecting it for damaged tiles. After that, they’ll set to work repairing and restoring, and respraying the tiles if that’s something you’re wanting. When the restoration process is complete, your roofing experts will reinstall the solar panels. See? Piece of cake!

Leave the removal to the professionals

While it may be tempting to try removing the solar panels yourself, it’s best left to the professionals. Your solar panels are expensive and they require specific care and handling. If you were to damage a solar panel (or injure yourself) during the removal process, you’d have instant regrets about trying it in the first place. Leave it to the pros, and trust that you’re in good hands!

So, don’t get yourself in a panic if you need a roof restoration and you have solar panels. The team at Stywill Texture Coating will look after all that for you. They’ve been Sydney’s texture coating specialists for over 30 years, having conducted countless roof restorations and larger projects like noise barrier painting and other civil construction jobs. Grab a quote from Stywill Texture Coating for an affordable and quality job today.


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